
Air France stays in touch

Has there been a change to your flight? Our teams let you know personally and in real-time, anywhere in the world.

Travel with peace of mind

Baggage delays, schedule changes, flight cancellations... If the unexpected happens, we will contact you quickly by phone, email, Messenger or WhatsApp to inform and offer you, whenever possible, an alternative solution like a new departure time or flight...*. This service is free of charge, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and does not require any prior registration. *For delays and cancellations of flights operated by Air France or KLM, and from 125 days and up to 1 hour before your flight's departure. This applies to new reservations or alternative flights operated by Air France or KLM as well as for transatlantic flights operated by Delta and is effective as soon as you make your reservation and even applies after your flight has departed.


Tell us how to get in touch with you

It’s important for us to be able to contact you in the event of a change to your booking. Please include the cellphone number and email address you will be using during your trip when you complete your booking.  No matter where you are in the world, before, during, or after your trip, we will be able to get in touch with you. You can also add your contact information at any point in My Bookings. Save your information to your profile to save time with future bookings. Please make sure to include the country code for your phone number.  Are you a Flying Blue member? Update your profile in just a few minutes.  Visit our website for all information related to our flights. View our flight schedule